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Monthly Winner for July 2020

By Competitions, News

Congrats to our July Winner – Courtney wins an Apple watch! We appreciate your feedback, that’s why each month we give our customers who have recently settled a loan the chance to go in the competition to win a small thank you gift. This month’s winner is Courtney, and she’s…

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HomeBuilder, what you need to know

By Finance Help, News

If you have been thinking about building a new home or carrying out an extension or renovation, now might be the time to meet with an AFG broker and work through your options. The Federal Government’s new $680 million HomeBuilder program announced on 4 June 2020 makes available $25,000 grants…

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Working from home done right

By Home Lifestyle Tips, News

Now that we are in the habit of isolation and social distancing, how good are your habits of working from home? With so many Australians now working from home, as businesses continue to do their part to help stem the spread of the coronavirus, we’re learning that WFH isn’t always…

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Haven Win Winter 2020

By Competitions, News

By regaling us with their stories of kindness, our readers have reminded us of the goodness the human spirit is capable of. Congratulations to Heather for her winning story. With the first half of 2020 throwing us more than a fair share of challenges, remember to be kind to each…

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